Unless stated otherwise, all assignments are due by 11:59 PM on the date they are assigned.
All handouts, presentations, videos, and other class materials are available on the Google drive for this class, organized in folders according to unit and subject.
GUM Resources:
Complete GUM Review.pdf and SAT_Grammar_Review.pdf.
Reminders and Due Dates:
Tuesday, Jan. 25: Beowulf Summative Assessment
Tuesday, Jan. 25: Vocab Journal #2 Due
Wednesday, Jan. 26: U6L5A1 NoRedInk Sentences and Fragments Practice due
Friday, Jan. 28: We will be using the SpringBoard text.
Friday, Jan. 28: U1L3A4 Grendel Comparison and Contrast due
Tuesday, Feb. 1: Vocab Journal #3 Due
Wednesday, Feb. 2: U6L5A1 NoRedInk Identifying Subjects and Verbs diagnostic due
Wednesday, Feb. 9: U6L5A1 NoRedInk Identifying Subjects and Verbs Practice due
Friday, Feb. 4: We will be using the SpringBoard text (pp. 198-205).
Tuesday, Feb. 15: Vocab Journal #4 Due
Monday, Jan. 24, 2022
Standards: W3, W4, W6, L1, L2, L3, L6
U1L3A3 Summative Assessment (WS) Work on the unit Summative Assessment (Importance of Perspective Beowulf Grendel SP22.pdf). The summative is due Tuesday, Jan. 25.
Tuesday, Jan. 25, 2022
Hoya Block Begins 1/25/22
Standards: W3, W4, W6, L1, L2, L3, L6
U6V2 Vocab Journal #2 due.
U1L3A3 Summative Assessment (WS) Work on the unit Summative Assessment (Importance of Perspective Beowulf Grendel SP22.pdf). The summative is due by 11:59 tonight.
Wednesday, Jan. 26, 2022
Standards: RL1, RL2, RL3, RL4, RL6, RL7, RL9, W3, W4, W6, W8, SL3, SL4, L1, L2, L3, L4, L6
U6L5A1 NoRedInk Sentences and Fragments
Practice due.
In class, we will listen to student versions of Grendel’s story. Then we will complete the following assignment.
U1L3A4 Grendel Comparison and Contrast (four grades: one for each row of the rubric and one for MLA format).
Read Chapters 11 and 12 in Grendel by John Gardner (pp. 151-174). Access the document at https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=Y3NkbS5rMTIubWkudXN8bWlhaHxneDo3M2Q4MTMyNGM2MTZkN2Uw
For this assignment, you will write two paragraphs: write one paragraph comparing the student versions to the professional version and one paragraph contrasting the student versions with the professional version.
These two paragraphs must be typed in perfect MLA format and submitted to Turnitin by midnight on Friday, January 28 (See the full explanation in Grendel Comparison Contrast Assignment with Rubric.docx that is in the 1 Anglo-Saxons folder on the Google drive).
Hand this in to Turnitin by 11:59 on Friday, Jan. 28.
Thursday, Jan. 27, 2022
Continue/finish U1L3A4 Grendel Comparison and Contrast.
Friday, Jan. 28, 2022
Standards: RL1, RL2, RL3, RL4, RL7, RL9, W8, L2, L4, L6
Complete the Array Interaction Inventory 2-sided.doc and email me your results.
U6L3A5 Dashes and Parentheses
Complete worksheets: 143 Dashes Parentheses 12GE2717.pdf; 144 Dashes Parentheses 12GE2718.pdf (In Grammar Worksheets folder on the Google drive)
U6L4A4 Absolute Brushstroke
Unit 1
Read about Cultural Criticism (text p. 76; Cultural Criticism P76.pdf) and discuss how this concept applies to Beowulf. Note that Cultural Criticism is NOT necessarily based on Religion or Ethnicity – it based on differences between social groups.
Read the end of Beowulf.
All handouts, presentations, videos, and other class materials are available on the Google drive for this class, organized in folders according to unit and subject.
GUM Resources:
Complete GUM Review.pdf and SAT_Grammar_Review.pdf.
Reminders and Due Dates:
Tuesday, Jan. 25: Beowulf Summative Assessment
Tuesday, Jan. 25: Vocab Journal #2 Due
Wednesday, Jan. 26: U6L5A1 NoRedInk Sentences and Fragments Practice due
Friday, Jan. 28: We will be using the SpringBoard text.
Friday, Jan. 28: U1L3A4 Grendel Comparison and Contrast due
Tuesday, Feb. 1: Vocab Journal #3 Due
Wednesday, Feb. 2: U6L5A1 NoRedInk Identifying Subjects and Verbs diagnostic due
Wednesday, Feb. 9: U6L5A1 NoRedInk Identifying Subjects and Verbs Practice due
Friday, Feb. 4: We will be using the SpringBoard text (pp. 198-205).
Tuesday, Feb. 15: Vocab Journal #4 Due
Monday, Jan. 24, 2022
Standards: W3, W4, W6, L1, L2, L3, L6
U1L3A3 Summative Assessment (WS) Work on the unit Summative Assessment (Importance of Perspective Beowulf Grendel SP22.pdf). The summative is due Tuesday, Jan. 25.
Tuesday, Jan. 25, 2022
Hoya Block Begins 1/25/22
Standards: W3, W4, W6, L1, L2, L3, L6
U6V2 Vocab Journal #2 due.
U1L3A3 Summative Assessment (WS) Work on the unit Summative Assessment (Importance of Perspective Beowulf Grendel SP22.pdf). The summative is due by 11:59 tonight.
Wednesday, Jan. 26, 2022
Standards: RL1, RL2, RL3, RL4, RL6, RL7, RL9, W3, W4, W6, W8, SL3, SL4, L1, L2, L3, L4, L6
U6L5A1 NoRedInk Sentences and Fragments
Practice due.
In class, we will listen to student versions of Grendel’s story. Then we will complete the following assignment.
U1L3A4 Grendel Comparison and Contrast (four grades: one for each row of the rubric and one for MLA format).
Read Chapters 11 and 12 in Grendel by John Gardner (pp. 151-174). Access the document at https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=Y3NkbS5rMTIubWkudXN8bWlhaHxneDo3M2Q4MTMyNGM2MTZkN2Uw
For this assignment, you will write two paragraphs: write one paragraph comparing the student versions to the professional version and one paragraph contrasting the student versions with the professional version.
These two paragraphs must be typed in perfect MLA format and submitted to Turnitin by midnight on Friday, January 28 (See the full explanation in Grendel Comparison Contrast Assignment with Rubric.docx that is in the 1 Anglo-Saxons folder on the Google drive).
Hand this in to Turnitin by 11:59 on Friday, Jan. 28.
Thursday, Jan. 27, 2022
Continue/finish U1L3A4 Grendel Comparison and Contrast.
Friday, Jan. 28, 2022
Standards: RL1, RL2, RL3, RL4, RL7, RL9, W8, L2, L4, L6
Complete the Array Interaction Inventory 2-sided.doc and email me your results.
U6L3A5 Dashes and Parentheses
Complete worksheets: 143 Dashes Parentheses 12GE2717.pdf; 144 Dashes Parentheses 12GE2718.pdf (In Grammar Worksheets folder on the Google drive)
U6L4A4 Absolute Brushstroke
- Review Participles with Participles_lesson_e.pdf.
- Look at the Midsummer Eve.pptx (In the Grammar folder on the Google drive): Create a base sentence for the whole picture, then highlight three elements/nouns and describe with participial phrases. Join.
- Look at the Absolute Brushstroke.pptx (in the Grammar folder on the Google drive) and follow the directions in the presentation to create the model sentences about ONE of the pictures.
Unit 1
Read about Cultural Criticism (text p. 76; Cultural Criticism P76.pdf) and discuss how this concept applies to Beowulf. Note that Cultural Criticism is NOT necessarily based on Religion or Ethnicity – it based on differences between social groups.
Read the end of Beowulf.