Unless stated otherwise, all assignments are due by 11:59 PM on the date they are assigned.
All handouts, presentations, videos, and other class materials are available on the Google drive for this class, organized in folders according to unit and subject.
Reminders and Due Dates:
Tuesday, Feb. 1: Vocab Journal #3 Due
Wednesday, Feb. 2: U6L5A1 NoRedInk Identifying Subjects and Verbs diagnostic due
Wednesday, Feb. 9: U6L5A1 NoRedInk Identifying Subjects and Verbs Practice due
Friday, Feb. 4: We will be using the SpringBoard text (pp. 198-205).
Tuesday, Feb. 15: Vocab Journal #4 Due
Monday, Jan. 31, 2022
Standards: RL9, RI1, RI4, W8, L2, L4, L6
U6L5A2 Identifying Subjects and Verbs
Complete the Diagnostic in NoRedInk by Feb. 2. Practice exercises are due Feb. 9.
U6L4A5 Adjectives OoO Brushstroke (LF)
U2L1A1 Medieval Period Notes (RF)
Today, we will discuss the historical background of the Medieval Period. You will need the following files, which can be found in the Medieval folder on the Google drive:
-Medieval Period Historical FA22.pptx.
-Medieval Period Historical Notes.docx.
Use the presentation titled Medieval Period Historical FA22.pptx to answer the questions on the Medieval Period Notes worksheet. Watch the videos when the presentation indicates that you should.
We will finish the notes and hand in the worksheet tomorrow.
We will finish the notes and hand in the worksheet tomorrow.
Tuesday, Feb. 1, 2022
Standards: RL1, RL2, RL3, RL4, RL9, W8, L2, L4, L6
U6V3 Vocab Journal #3 due.
U6L4A6 Prepositions and Prep Phrases Review Prepositions (15 Prepositions 12GE1715.pdf; 16 Prepositions 12GE1716.pdf).
Review Prepositional Phrases (33 Prepositional Phrases 12GE1901; 34 Prepositional Phrases 12GE1902).
Unit 2
First, we will finish the Medieval period notes that we began yesterday. Then, we will watch a video about the worst jobs of the Medieval period (Worst_Jobs_In_History_-_1x02_-_Medieval).
Presentations and texts can be found in the 2 Medieval Period folder on the Google drive.
Wednesday, Feb. 2, 2022
Standards: RL1, RL2, RL3, RL4, RL9, W8, SL1, SL4, L2, L4, L6
U6L5A2 Identifying Subjects and Verbs diagnostic due tonight
U6L5A3 Misplaced and Dangling Modifiers (NG)
Review Misplaced and Dangling Modifiers (misplacedmodifier.pdf; Misplaced Modifiers.doc; 65 Mis Dang Modifiers 12GE2017; 66 Mis Dang Modifiers 12GE2018).
U2L2A1 Chaucer and His Lit (NG)
1. Look at the Canterbury Tales Begin REV2017 presentation for background info on the text.
2. Look carefully at the presentation titled “What Does He Mean Chaucers Sardonic Wit” and figure out what Chaucer is REALLY saying about each of these characters – he’s not being as nice as it first appears that he is.
3. Read lines 1-41 of the Prologue to the Canterbury Tales found at https://www.dvusd.org/cms/lib011/AZ01901092/Centricity/Domain/2891/Canterbury%20Tales%20prologue.pdf
(or Prologue Before Characters.pdf).
Thursday, Feb. 3, 2022
Standards: RL1, RL2, RL3, RL4, RL9, W8, SL1, SL4, L2, L4, L6
U6L5A4 All about Conjunctions
Review the information about conjunctions and complete the worksheets:
U2L2A2 Pilgrim Body Biography (RF)
Read and follow the directions in body_biography_instructions Cant Tales.docx to create a body biography for the pilgrim assigned to you. If you are absent today, please email me for your assigned pilgrim.
Today, we will create the body biographies; then, we will present Chaucer’s pilgrims.
Friday, Feb. 4, 2022
Standards: RL1, RL2, RL3, RL4, RL9, W8, SL1, SL4, L2, L4, L6
U6L5A5 Joining Ideas within Sentences
U6L5A6 Fragments and Run-ons
61 Fragments 12GE2013.pdf, 62 Fragments 12GE2014.pdf, 63 Runons 12GE2015.pdf, and 64 Runons 12GE2016.pdf
Unit 2
-Look at the name of lens for unit two and identify what it DOES and DOES NOT mean with
Feminist Critical Lens.pptx
-Text page 198.
- Bechdel Test for Women in Movies:
All handouts, presentations, videos, and other class materials are available on the Google drive for this class, organized in folders according to unit and subject.
Reminders and Due Dates:
Tuesday, Feb. 1: Vocab Journal #3 Due
Wednesday, Feb. 2: U6L5A1 NoRedInk Identifying Subjects and Verbs diagnostic due
Wednesday, Feb. 9: U6L5A1 NoRedInk Identifying Subjects and Verbs Practice due
Friday, Feb. 4: We will be using the SpringBoard text (pp. 198-205).
Tuesday, Feb. 15: Vocab Journal #4 Due
Monday, Jan. 31, 2022
Standards: RL9, RI1, RI4, W8, L2, L4, L6
U6L5A2 Identifying Subjects and Verbs
Complete the Diagnostic in NoRedInk by Feb. 2. Practice exercises are due Feb. 9.
U6L4A5 Adjectives OoO Brushstroke (LF)
- Read about the Adjectives Brushstroke (Adjectives Brushstroke.pptx; brushstrokes _EXCELLENTwQuotes.pdf (61-70)).
- Record the definition and example of the brushstroke.
- Hand in your example of the Adjectives OoO Brushstroke to Turnitin by 11:59 PM tonight.
- Complete the Adjective Clause Worksheets (41 Adjective Clauses 12GE1909.pdf and 42 Adjective Clauses 12GE1910.pdf).
U2L1A1 Medieval Period Notes (RF)
Today, we will discuss the historical background of the Medieval Period. You will need the following files, which can be found in the Medieval folder on the Google drive:
-Medieval Period Historical FA22.pptx.
-Medieval Period Historical Notes.docx.
Use the presentation titled Medieval Period Historical FA22.pptx to answer the questions on the Medieval Period Notes worksheet. Watch the videos when the presentation indicates that you should.
We will finish the notes and hand in the worksheet tomorrow.
We will finish the notes and hand in the worksheet tomorrow.
Tuesday, Feb. 1, 2022
Standards: RL1, RL2, RL3, RL4, RL9, W8, L2, L4, L6
U6V3 Vocab Journal #3 due.
U6L4A6 Prepositions and Prep Phrases Review Prepositions (15 Prepositions 12GE1715.pdf; 16 Prepositions 12GE1716.pdf).
Review Prepositional Phrases (33 Prepositional Phrases 12GE1901; 34 Prepositional Phrases 12GE1902).
Unit 2
First, we will finish the Medieval period notes that we began yesterday. Then, we will watch a video about the worst jobs of the Medieval period (Worst_Jobs_In_History_-_1x02_-_Medieval).
Presentations and texts can be found in the 2 Medieval Period folder on the Google drive.
Wednesday, Feb. 2, 2022
Standards: RL1, RL2, RL3, RL4, RL9, W8, SL1, SL4, L2, L4, L6
U6L5A2 Identifying Subjects and Verbs diagnostic due tonight
U6L5A3 Misplaced and Dangling Modifiers (NG)
Review Misplaced and Dangling Modifiers (misplacedmodifier.pdf; Misplaced Modifiers.doc; 65 Mis Dang Modifiers 12GE2017; 66 Mis Dang Modifiers 12GE2018).
U2L2A1 Chaucer and His Lit (NG)
1. Look at the Canterbury Tales Begin REV2017 presentation for background info on the text.
2. Look carefully at the presentation titled “What Does He Mean Chaucers Sardonic Wit” and figure out what Chaucer is REALLY saying about each of these characters – he’s not being as nice as it first appears that he is.
3. Read lines 1-41 of the Prologue to the Canterbury Tales found at https://www.dvusd.org/cms/lib011/AZ01901092/Centricity/Domain/2891/Canterbury%20Tales%20prologue.pdf
(or Prologue Before Characters.pdf).
Thursday, Feb. 3, 2022
Standards: RL1, RL2, RL3, RL4, RL9, W8, SL1, SL4, L2, L4, L6
U6L5A4 All about Conjunctions
Review the information about conjunctions and complete the worksheets:
- All About Conjunctions.pptx (conjunctions_ master_list_alternate_version.pdf).
- Coordinating Conjunctions.pptx.
- Review Conjunctions (17 Conjunction Types Prep Adv 12GE1717.pdf; 18 Conjunction Types Prep Adv 12GE1718.pdf).
U2L2A2 Pilgrim Body Biography (RF)
Read and follow the directions in body_biography_instructions Cant Tales.docx to create a body biography for the pilgrim assigned to you. If you are absent today, please email me for your assigned pilgrim.
Today, we will create the body biographies; then, we will present Chaucer’s pilgrims.
Friday, Feb. 4, 2022
Standards: RL1, RL2, RL3, RL4, RL9, W8, SL1, SL4, L2, L4, L6
U6L5A5 Joining Ideas within Sentences
- GUM Review: Joining clauses and ideas (Colon Magical Properties.pptx).
- 135 Semicolons and Colons 12GE2709.pdf, 136 Semicolons and Colons 12GE2710.pdf.
- Joining ideas.pptx
U6L5A6 Fragments and Run-ons
61 Fragments 12GE2013.pdf, 62 Fragments 12GE2014.pdf, 63 Runons 12GE2015.pdf, and 64 Runons 12GE2016.pdf
Unit 2
-Look at the name of lens for unit two and identify what it DOES and DOES NOT mean with
Feminist Critical Lens.pptx
-Text page 198.
- Bechdel Test for Women in Movies: