Unless stated otherwise, all assignments are due by 11:59 PM on the date they are assigned.
All handouts, presentations, videos, and other class materials are available on the Google drive for this class, organized in folders according to unit and subject.
GUM Resources:
Complete GUM Review.pdf and SAT_Grammar_Review.pdf.
Monday, Jan. 10
Standards: RL9, SL1, SL3, W4, L1, L2, L3
U1L2A2 Beowulf Documentation (WF) The teacher will walk students through citing Beowulf correctly using the Essay Guide (Documenting Beowulf.mp4 for online text; in class for textbook). The teacher will also demonstrate to students how to do a hanging indent once the citation is complete (Essay Guide, Ver. 13, p. 26).
U1L1A1 Historical Background Notes (RF): Access the background notes worksheet (British History Background Notes.docx) and save it with the appropriate name (U1L1A1 Lastname.docx).
Read notes (British Lit Intro Rev SP22.ppt) and watch videos (Roman_Britain.mp4, Dark_Ages.mp4, and Anglo_Saxon_Invasions_of_Britain.mp4) as specified in presentation through slide 17, answering the questions on the worksheet as you go.
Tuesday, Jan. 11
Standards: L1, L2, L6
U6V1 Vocab Journal 1 (LF). Look over vocabulary journal instructions and prepare any questions you have so you can ask for an explanation tomorrow. The first vocab journal will be due Tuesday, Jan. 18.
U6L3A1 Comma Rule #1 (NG) Copy comma rule 1 and examples from Comma Rules SP21.pptx into your notes in the GUM (Grammar, Usage, Mechanics) section of your notebook.
U6L3A2 Comma Rules #2 and #3 (NG)
Copy comma rules 2 and 3 and examples from Comma Rules SP21.pptx into your notes in the GUM (Grammar, Usage, Mechanics) section of your notebook.
Look at the article for the importance of the Oxford comma: Oxford Comma Dispute Is Settled as Maine Drivers Get $5 Million - The New York Times.pdf.
Complete the following grammar worksheets:
129 Comma Sep Basic Elements 12GE2703.pdf and
130 Comma Sep Basic Elements 12GE2704.pdf
You do NOT have to copy the entire sentence. Just copy the words that need a comma after them and place the commas after the correct words.
U6L2A1 Verb Review
Complete the following worksheet activities:
Ex. 1 on 5 Action Linking Verbs 12GE1705.pdf and Ex. 1 on 6 Action Linking Verbs 12GE1706.pdf
You do NOT have to copy the entire sentence. Just copy the verb and identify it as action or linking.
Wednesday, Jan. 12
Standards: RI1, RI4, SL1, SL3, W4, L2, L3
Discuss and ask/answer questions about the Vocabulary Journal.
Go over comma and verb worksheets from yesterday.
U1L1A1 Historical Background Notes (RF): Access the background notes worksheet you started on Monday.
Read notes (Anglo-Saxon Invasions of Britain.pptx) and watch videos (Stowa__An_Anglo_Saxon_Community.mp4 and The_Spread_of_Christianity.mp4) as specified in presentation from slide 18 through the end, answering the questions on the worksheet as you go. Submit your worksheet to Turnitin.
Thursday, Jan. 13
Standards: RI1, RI4, SL1, SL3, W4, L2, L3
U6L5A1 NoRedInk Sentences and Fragments
Unit Diagnostic due Jan. 19; Practice due Jan. 26.
U6L4A1 Participle Brushstroke (LF)
Look at Brushstrokes Intro.pptx thru slide 14 and look at Participle Brushstroke.pptx (brushstroke activity also applies comma rules 1 and 2-notice the different jobs of the commas).
The assignment is in the presentation. You will write three sentences:
- A basic sentence with the subject at the beginning of the sentence.
- The basic sentence with three properly punctuated participles at the beginning of the sentence, describing the subject.
- The basic sentence with two of the three participles from the previous sentence converted to participial phrases that describe the subject, properly punctuated.
U1L2A1 Beowulf Intro (NG) Look at Beowulf Intro FA20.pptx
U1L2A3 Kenning Practice (RF)
Look at Kennings and Alliteration.pptx. The assignment is in the presentation: create three kennings (one of each kind) for a noun of your choice. One of the kennings must include alliteration.
U1L3A3 Summative Assessment (WS) Briefly discuss and answer questions about the unit Summative Assessment and unit expectations (Importance of Perspective Beowulf Grendel SP22.pdf). The summative will be due Monday, Jan. 24.
Go over the Collaboration Contract. This online contract MUST be completed by ALL group members, from THEIR OWN Office 365 login before students will be allowed to begin working together. We will begin working on this assignment in class on Jan. 21.
Friday, Jan. 14
Standards: RL1, RL2, RL3, RL4, RL7, RL9, W8, L2, L3, L4, L6
Reminder: Email the teacher when turning in late work to Turnitin.
View Turnitin Feedback.mp4
If you scored less than 100% on U6L5A1 Participle Brushstroke, please look at the feedback and try again in the revision assignment in Turnitin.
U6L4A2 Participles and Participial Phrases (NG)
Participles and Participial Phrases A (participle-ws-2.pdf, first page). You do not need to write the whole sentence. You will copy participial phrases and the word(s) they describe. Circle the participle, underline the participial phrase, and draw and arrow to the word that is described.
U1L3A1 Beowulf Details Chart (RF) Begin reading Beowulf with “The Wrath of Grendel,” in Beowulf Text.pdf, analyzing and recording details from the text on the Beowulf Details Chart FA20.docx. This chart will be due on Jan. 20.
All handouts, presentations, videos, and other class materials are available on the Google drive for this class, organized in folders according to unit and subject.
GUM Resources:
Complete GUM Review.pdf and SAT_Grammar_Review.pdf.
Monday, Jan. 10
Standards: RL9, SL1, SL3, W4, L1, L2, L3
U1L2A2 Beowulf Documentation (WF) The teacher will walk students through citing Beowulf correctly using the Essay Guide (Documenting Beowulf.mp4 for online text; in class for textbook). The teacher will also demonstrate to students how to do a hanging indent once the citation is complete (Essay Guide, Ver. 13, p. 26).
- Go over different types of parenthetical citations for different types of literature (Essay Guide, Ver. 13, pp. 89-93).
U1L1A1 Historical Background Notes (RF): Access the background notes worksheet (British History Background Notes.docx) and save it with the appropriate name (U1L1A1 Lastname.docx).
Read notes (British Lit Intro Rev SP22.ppt) and watch videos (Roman_Britain.mp4, Dark_Ages.mp4, and Anglo_Saxon_Invasions_of_Britain.mp4) as specified in presentation through slide 17, answering the questions on the worksheet as you go.
Tuesday, Jan. 11
Standards: L1, L2, L6
U6V1 Vocab Journal 1 (LF). Look over vocabulary journal instructions and prepare any questions you have so you can ask for an explanation tomorrow. The first vocab journal will be due Tuesday, Jan. 18.
U6L3A1 Comma Rule #1 (NG) Copy comma rule 1 and examples from Comma Rules SP21.pptx into your notes in the GUM (Grammar, Usage, Mechanics) section of your notebook.
U6L3A2 Comma Rules #2 and #3 (NG)
Copy comma rules 2 and 3 and examples from Comma Rules SP21.pptx into your notes in the GUM (Grammar, Usage, Mechanics) section of your notebook.
Look at the article for the importance of the Oxford comma: Oxford Comma Dispute Is Settled as Maine Drivers Get $5 Million - The New York Times.pdf.
Complete the following grammar worksheets:
129 Comma Sep Basic Elements 12GE2703.pdf and
130 Comma Sep Basic Elements 12GE2704.pdf
You do NOT have to copy the entire sentence. Just copy the words that need a comma after them and place the commas after the correct words.
U6L2A1 Verb Review
Complete the following worksheet activities:
Ex. 1 on 5 Action Linking Verbs 12GE1705.pdf and Ex. 1 on 6 Action Linking Verbs 12GE1706.pdf
You do NOT have to copy the entire sentence. Just copy the verb and identify it as action or linking.
Wednesday, Jan. 12
Standards: RI1, RI4, SL1, SL3, W4, L2, L3
Discuss and ask/answer questions about the Vocabulary Journal.
Go over comma and verb worksheets from yesterday.
U1L1A1 Historical Background Notes (RF): Access the background notes worksheet you started on Monday.
Read notes (Anglo-Saxon Invasions of Britain.pptx) and watch videos (Stowa__An_Anglo_Saxon_Community.mp4 and The_Spread_of_Christianity.mp4) as specified in presentation from slide 18 through the end, answering the questions on the worksheet as you go. Submit your worksheet to Turnitin.
Thursday, Jan. 13
Standards: RI1, RI4, SL1, SL3, W4, L2, L3
U6L5A1 NoRedInk Sentences and Fragments
Unit Diagnostic due Jan. 19; Practice due Jan. 26.
U6L4A1 Participle Brushstroke (LF)
Look at Brushstrokes Intro.pptx thru slide 14 and look at Participle Brushstroke.pptx (brushstroke activity also applies comma rules 1 and 2-notice the different jobs of the commas).
The assignment is in the presentation. You will write three sentences:
- A basic sentence with the subject at the beginning of the sentence.
- The basic sentence with three properly punctuated participles at the beginning of the sentence, describing the subject.
- The basic sentence with two of the three participles from the previous sentence converted to participial phrases that describe the subject, properly punctuated.
U1L2A1 Beowulf Intro (NG) Look at Beowulf Intro FA20.pptx
U1L2A3 Kenning Practice (RF)
Look at Kennings and Alliteration.pptx. The assignment is in the presentation: create three kennings (one of each kind) for a noun of your choice. One of the kennings must include alliteration.
U1L3A3 Summative Assessment (WS) Briefly discuss and answer questions about the unit Summative Assessment and unit expectations (Importance of Perspective Beowulf Grendel SP22.pdf). The summative will be due Monday, Jan. 24.
Go over the Collaboration Contract. This online contract MUST be completed by ALL group members, from THEIR OWN Office 365 login before students will be allowed to begin working together. We will begin working on this assignment in class on Jan. 21.
Friday, Jan. 14
Standards: RL1, RL2, RL3, RL4, RL7, RL9, W8, L2, L3, L4, L6
Reminder: Email the teacher when turning in late work to Turnitin.
View Turnitin Feedback.mp4
If you scored less than 100% on U6L5A1 Participle Brushstroke, please look at the feedback and try again in the revision assignment in Turnitin.
U6L4A2 Participles and Participial Phrases (NG)
Participles and Participial Phrases A (participle-ws-2.pdf, first page). You do not need to write the whole sentence. You will copy participial phrases and the word(s) they describe. Circle the participle, underline the participial phrase, and draw and arrow to the word that is described.
U1L3A1 Beowulf Details Chart (RF) Begin reading Beowulf with “The Wrath of Grendel,” in Beowulf Text.pdf, analyzing and recording details from the text on the Beowulf Details Chart FA20.docx. This chart will be due on Jan. 20.