Unless stated otherwise, all assignments are due by 11:59 PM on the date they are assigned.
All handouts, presentations, videos, and other class materials are available on the Google drive for this class, organized in folders according to unit and subject.
Your most important resource: The Essay Guide
Reminders and Due Dates:
Tuesday-Friday, Feb. 8-11: We will be using the SpringBoard text (pp. 198-205 and 241-248).
Wednesday, Feb. 9: U6L5A1 NoRedInk Identifying Subjects and Verbs Practice due
Tuesday, Feb. 15: Vocab Journal #4 Due
Wednesday, Feb. 16: U6L4A9 Preposition Practice and U6L4A11 NoRedInk Prepositions and Modifiers Practice due
Thursday, Feb. 17: U2L4A1 Applying a Critical Perspective due
Monday, Feb. 7, 2022
Standards: RL1, RL2, RL3, RL4, RL6, RL9, SL1, L3, L4, L5, L6
U6L4A8 Appositive Brushstroke
Review Appositive Brushstroke.pptx and hand in two sentences: 1) a base sentence, and 2) the base sentence with an appositive added.
U6L4A9 IXL Preposition Practice
Go to IXL | Math, Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, and Spanish. Log in (log in information is provided in CTLS Announcements).
1. On the right, click on the gold start that says “36 skills suggested by your teacher.”
2. Complete “Identify prepositions and their objects” AND “Identify prepositional phrases” (at the bottom of the list).
3. Complete both exercises with 85% or higher SmartScore by Wednesday, Feb. 16.
Unit 2
-Look at the name of lens for unit two and identify what it DOES and DOES NOT mean with
Feminist Critical Lens.pptx
-Text page 198.
- Bechdel Test for Women in Movies
-Consider three different critical perspectives (lenses): a horticulturalist (a person who studies plants and trees), a gerontologist (a person who studies aging), and a feminist.
Watch “The Giving Tree” video (The Giving Tree - Animated Children's Book.mp4)and discussion of themes through different lenses.
-Watch the Legally Blonde Courtscene video (Legally Blondes courtscene.mp4) and consider which gender stereotypes are broken and which are reinforced in the video.
Read the description of the Wife of Bath from the Prologue to the Canterbury Tales (lines 455-486 of Wife of Bath Description and Tale.pdf). Read the Prologue to the Wife of Bath’s tale to see how Chaucer links the tales together (Wife-of-Bath-s-Tale text Trans Coghill.pdf).
Tuesday, Feb. 8, 2022
Senior Meeting: 10:00 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. (dismissed at 9:55 a.m.)
Standards: RL1, RL2, RL3, RL4, RL6, RL9, L1, L3, L4, L5, L6
U6L4A10 Adverb Clauses
Adverbs (13 Adverbs 12GE1713; 14 Adverbs 12GE1714) and Adverb Clause (43 Adverb Clauses Elliptical 12GE1911.pdf and 44 Adverb Clauses Elliptical 12GE1912.pdf): underline the adverb clause and circle the subordinating conjunctions – ignore other directions.
U2L3A1 Gender Stereotypes (RF)
Read “Cinderella, the Legend” (text pp.201-203) and answer questions 1-5 that follow the text (not 6). Instead of number 6, use the Essay Guide to create a Works Cited entry for the essay (Feminist Lens and Cinderella Text 198-205.pdf).
U2L4A1 Applying a Critical Perspective (RS, WS, LS) + MLA Format (WF)
Read about the summative assignment on pages 241-248 of your text and look at the rubric titled Applying a Critical Perspective Rubric.pdf (In the Google drive in the Springboard Text – Unit 2 Videos & Handouts folder).
Read the two stories on pages 243-248 of your text, marking the details that are important when you are looking at the story through the FCP (Feminist Critical Perspective) and select the ONE you feel most comfortable with (Applying a Critical Perspective Text pp 241-248.pdf).
You will be writing an analytical essay applying the Feminist Critical Perspective to the short story you have selected. Your essay MUST include a Works Cited page.
All you need to do today is read the story and mark the gender details. We will be working on the essay in class over the next few days.
Wednesday, Feb. 9, 2022
Standards: RL1, RL2, RL3, RL4, RL6, SL1, W2, W4, W5, W9, L1, L3, L4, L5, L6
U6L5A2 NoRedInk Identifying Subjects and Verbs practice due tonight
U6L4A11 NoRedInk Prepositions and Modifiers practice due Feb. 16.
Discuss Adverb worksheets from yesterday.
U6L4A12 Vibrant Verbs Brushstroke
Look at the explanation of the Vibrant Verb brushstroke, detailed, with assignment/examples in Verbs_lesson_e.pdf (in the Grammar folder on the Google drive).
You will be expected to include one of EACH brushstroke (labeled) in your essay: Participle, Absolute, Appositive, Adjectives Out of Order, Vibrant Verbs.
Discuss “Cinderella, the Legend.”
Go over how to properly create the bibliographic citation for “Cinderella, the Legend” (Kolbenschlag, par. 7).
Read the Wife of Bath’s tale and consider what is revealed about the Wife and Medieval society when the text is viewed through the Feminist Critical Lens (FCL).
U2L3A2 Texts Through a Feminist Critical Lens (RF)
Go to the following form and answer the questions: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=-x3OL5-ROEmquMR_D8kYLUM3RZAT171EmpK7PWZ6M7tUNVhSNDVVWlNETDM3V1M5Qk1TQjVRWldJQy4u
This assignment is due by 11:59 PM today.
Thursday, Feb. 10, 2022
U2L4A1 Applying a Critical Perspective (RS, WS, LS) + MLA Format (WF)
Today we will begin working on your literary analysis paper.
Please note that an A paper will go beyond what is explicitly stated in the text and delve into what is suggested (Applying a Critical Perspective Text pp 241-248.pdf; Applying a Critical Perspective Rubric).
First, we will discuss gender details and developing an appropriate theme from “The Wife of Bath’s Tale.”
Follow these steps to begin your essay:
-Create a new MLA-formatted file (MLA format, p. 11) for your essay in Microsoft Word and add a CREATIVE title.
-Read the general guidelines for the thesis statement on page 6 of the Essay Guide.
-Read about creating a thesis statement for a literary analysis on pages 6-8 of the Essay Guide (1 Thesis and Introduction LA.pptx).
-Write an appropriate thesis statement for your paper.
-Read about Introductions on pages 47-49 of the Essay Guide.
-View presentation: 1 Thesis and Introduction LA.pptx (Google drive - > Writing - > Lit Analysis).
-Write your introduction.
NOTE: It is the READER who uses the critical lens, NOT the AUTHOR. The author writes the story, and the reader views the details through a critical lens in order to interpret the meaning of the details.
You will NOT hand this in yet. This will become part of your essay.
Friday, Feb. 11, 2022
Standards: RL1, RL2, RL3, RL4, RL6, SL1, W2, W4, W5, W9, L3, L4, L5, L6
U2L4A1 Applying a Critical Perspective
Read about outlining and organizing the literary analysis paper (Essay Guide, pages 53-59; 2 The Sentence Outline.pptx), paying particular attention to Plot Dump (pp. 55-56) and Literary Present (pp. 59-60).
Create a sentence outline for your essay.
Step by step directions are provided in the presentation titled 2 The Sentence Outline.pptx.
GUM (Homework)
U6L3A6 Quotation Marks and Italics
Review Quotation Marks and Underlining/Italics (137 Q Marks Quotations 12GE2711.pdf; 138 Q Marks Quotations 12GE2712.pdf; 139 Q Marks wOther Marks 12GE2713.pdf; 140 Q Marks wOther Marks 12GE2714.pdf; 141 Q Marks and Underline 12GE2715.pdf; 142 Q Marks and Underline 12GE2716.pdf).
All handouts, presentations, videos, and other class materials are available on the Google drive for this class, organized in folders according to unit and subject.
Your most important resource: The Essay Guide
Reminders and Due Dates:
Tuesday-Friday, Feb. 8-11: We will be using the SpringBoard text (pp. 198-205 and 241-248).
Wednesday, Feb. 9: U6L5A1 NoRedInk Identifying Subjects and Verbs Practice due
Tuesday, Feb. 15: Vocab Journal #4 Due
Wednesday, Feb. 16: U6L4A9 Preposition Practice and U6L4A11 NoRedInk Prepositions and Modifiers Practice due
Thursday, Feb. 17: U2L4A1 Applying a Critical Perspective due
Monday, Feb. 7, 2022
Standards: RL1, RL2, RL3, RL4, RL6, RL9, SL1, L3, L4, L5, L6
U6L4A8 Appositive Brushstroke
Review Appositive Brushstroke.pptx and hand in two sentences: 1) a base sentence, and 2) the base sentence with an appositive added.
U6L4A9 IXL Preposition Practice
Go to IXL | Math, Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, and Spanish. Log in (log in information is provided in CTLS Announcements).
1. On the right, click on the gold start that says “36 skills suggested by your teacher.”
2. Complete “Identify prepositions and their objects” AND “Identify prepositional phrases” (at the bottom of the list).
3. Complete both exercises with 85% or higher SmartScore by Wednesday, Feb. 16.
Unit 2
-Look at the name of lens for unit two and identify what it DOES and DOES NOT mean with
Feminist Critical Lens.pptx
-Text page 198.
- Bechdel Test for Women in Movies
-Consider three different critical perspectives (lenses): a horticulturalist (a person who studies plants and trees), a gerontologist (a person who studies aging), and a feminist.
Watch “The Giving Tree” video (The Giving Tree - Animated Children's Book.mp4)and discussion of themes through different lenses.
-Watch the Legally Blonde Courtscene video (Legally Blondes courtscene.mp4) and consider which gender stereotypes are broken and which are reinforced in the video.
Read the description of the Wife of Bath from the Prologue to the Canterbury Tales (lines 455-486 of Wife of Bath Description and Tale.pdf). Read the Prologue to the Wife of Bath’s tale to see how Chaucer links the tales together (Wife-of-Bath-s-Tale text Trans Coghill.pdf).
Tuesday, Feb. 8, 2022
Senior Meeting: 10:00 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. (dismissed at 9:55 a.m.)
Standards: RL1, RL2, RL3, RL4, RL6, RL9, L1, L3, L4, L5, L6
U6L4A10 Adverb Clauses
Adverbs (13 Adverbs 12GE1713; 14 Adverbs 12GE1714) and Adverb Clause (43 Adverb Clauses Elliptical 12GE1911.pdf and 44 Adverb Clauses Elliptical 12GE1912.pdf): underline the adverb clause and circle the subordinating conjunctions – ignore other directions.
U2L3A1 Gender Stereotypes (RF)
Read “Cinderella, the Legend” (text pp.201-203) and answer questions 1-5 that follow the text (not 6). Instead of number 6, use the Essay Guide to create a Works Cited entry for the essay (Feminist Lens and Cinderella Text 198-205.pdf).
U2L4A1 Applying a Critical Perspective (RS, WS, LS) + MLA Format (WF)
Read about the summative assignment on pages 241-248 of your text and look at the rubric titled Applying a Critical Perspective Rubric.pdf (In the Google drive in the Springboard Text – Unit 2 Videos & Handouts folder).
Read the two stories on pages 243-248 of your text, marking the details that are important when you are looking at the story through the FCP (Feminist Critical Perspective) and select the ONE you feel most comfortable with (Applying a Critical Perspective Text pp 241-248.pdf).
You will be writing an analytical essay applying the Feminist Critical Perspective to the short story you have selected. Your essay MUST include a Works Cited page.
All you need to do today is read the story and mark the gender details. We will be working on the essay in class over the next few days.
Wednesday, Feb. 9, 2022
Standards: RL1, RL2, RL3, RL4, RL6, SL1, W2, W4, W5, W9, L1, L3, L4, L5, L6
U6L5A2 NoRedInk Identifying Subjects and Verbs practice due tonight
U6L4A11 NoRedInk Prepositions and Modifiers practice due Feb. 16.
Discuss Adverb worksheets from yesterday.
U6L4A12 Vibrant Verbs Brushstroke
Look at the explanation of the Vibrant Verb brushstroke, detailed, with assignment/examples in Verbs_lesson_e.pdf (in the Grammar folder on the Google drive).
You will be expected to include one of EACH brushstroke (labeled) in your essay: Participle, Absolute, Appositive, Adjectives Out of Order, Vibrant Verbs.
Discuss “Cinderella, the Legend.”
Go over how to properly create the bibliographic citation for “Cinderella, the Legend” (Kolbenschlag, par. 7).
Read the Wife of Bath’s tale and consider what is revealed about the Wife and Medieval society when the text is viewed through the Feminist Critical Lens (FCL).
U2L3A2 Texts Through a Feminist Critical Lens (RF)
Go to the following form and answer the questions: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=-x3OL5-ROEmquMR_D8kYLUM3RZAT171EmpK7PWZ6M7tUNVhSNDVVWlNETDM3V1M5Qk1TQjVRWldJQy4u
This assignment is due by 11:59 PM today.
Thursday, Feb. 10, 2022
U2L4A1 Applying a Critical Perspective (RS, WS, LS) + MLA Format (WF)
Today we will begin working on your literary analysis paper.
Please note that an A paper will go beyond what is explicitly stated in the text and delve into what is suggested (Applying a Critical Perspective Text pp 241-248.pdf; Applying a Critical Perspective Rubric).
First, we will discuss gender details and developing an appropriate theme from “The Wife of Bath’s Tale.”
Follow these steps to begin your essay:
-Create a new MLA-formatted file (MLA format, p. 11) for your essay in Microsoft Word and add a CREATIVE title.
-Read the general guidelines for the thesis statement on page 6 of the Essay Guide.
-Read about creating a thesis statement for a literary analysis on pages 6-8 of the Essay Guide (1 Thesis and Introduction LA.pptx).
-Write an appropriate thesis statement for your paper.
-Read about Introductions on pages 47-49 of the Essay Guide.
-View presentation: 1 Thesis and Introduction LA.pptx (Google drive - > Writing - > Lit Analysis).
-Write your introduction.
NOTE: It is the READER who uses the critical lens, NOT the AUTHOR. The author writes the story, and the reader views the details through a critical lens in order to interpret the meaning of the details.
You will NOT hand this in yet. This will become part of your essay.
Friday, Feb. 11, 2022
Standards: RL1, RL2, RL3, RL4, RL6, SL1, W2, W4, W5, W9, L3, L4, L5, L6
U2L4A1 Applying a Critical Perspective
Read about outlining and organizing the literary analysis paper (Essay Guide, pages 53-59; 2 The Sentence Outline.pptx), paying particular attention to Plot Dump (pp. 55-56) and Literary Present (pp. 59-60).
Create a sentence outline for your essay.
Step by step directions are provided in the presentation titled 2 The Sentence Outline.pptx.
GUM (Homework)
U6L3A6 Quotation Marks and Italics
Review Quotation Marks and Underlining/Italics (137 Q Marks Quotations 12GE2711.pdf; 138 Q Marks Quotations 12GE2712.pdf; 139 Q Marks wOther Marks 12GE2713.pdf; 140 Q Marks wOther Marks 12GE2714.pdf; 141 Q Marks and Underline 12GE2715.pdf; 142 Q Marks and Underline 12GE2716.pdf).