File names in parentheses are NOT links. These are the names of the documents that may be found on the Google drive (in the Class Materials drop-down menu).
Standards: RI1, RI4, SL1, SL3, W4
Put handouts on shelf; distribute info forms. Have students pick up handouts as they turn in info form (practice class procedures).
Who are you as a person?
What do you love?
What do you loath?
The Academics
What subjects do you prefer?
What subjects do you dislike?
Do you need a particular environment to study?
What types of writing and reading do you prefer?
The Life Plan
What are your goals for this year? This class?
What are your goals after high school?
How can I help you get there?
Standards: SL1, SL3, RI1, W4, W5, W6, W10, L1, L2
Standards: RI1, RI4, SL1, SL3, W4
Put handouts on shelf; distribute info forms. Have students pick up handouts as they turn in info form (practice class procedures).
- Welcome to class.
- Distribute Student Info Sheets and collect transcripts.
- As students begin to finish info sheets, distribute syllabus and syllabus quiz (Syllabus 10th Adv Comp STEM FA19 McC.pdf, Syllabus quiz SP18.docx).
- While You Were Out Assignment Sheet.docx.
- Transcript check.
- Distribute letters to students (Letter to Students FA19.doc) and request that they write a letter in response (finish checking student schedules during letter activity).
- Remind of homework: have parents sign course syllabus, bring vocab money, and write a letter response to the teacher’s letter.
- Prompts for letter to teacher:
Who are you as a person?
What do you love?
What do you loath?
The Academics
What subjects do you prefer?
What subjects do you dislike?
Do you need a particular environment to study?
What types of writing and reading do you prefer?
The Life Plan
What are your goals for this year? This class?
What are your goals after high school?
How can I help you get there?
Standards: SL1, SL3, RI1, W4, W5, W6, W10, L1, L2
- Collect syllabus.
- Distribute and explain errand passes (Errand passes mccarter adv cmp wBack.pptx).
- Explain how to complete Array Inventory (Array Interaction Inventory 2-sided.doc) and allow students time to complete.
- Go over how to decode the Standards (Decoding the GSE.pptx; ELA-9-10-Grade-9-Literature-Composition-Standards.pdf).
- Go over and begin working on CV (Creating-a-cv-student-worksheet.pdf, CV Packet.docx (pp. 3-9), CV Template.docx, Example: i parker CV.docx (remove name/address)).
- Finish planning CV over the weekend.