Standards: RI1, RI4, SL1, SL3, W4
U0L1A1 Welcome Letter: Write a letter response to the teacher’s letter (Letter to Students SP22.doc) and submit it to
U0L1A2 Syllabus Review and Receipt: Students AND parents fill out online info forms (MUST have student form AND at least one parent form filled out):
Student Form
Parent Form
- Pick up handouts from the top shelf of the bookshelf by the door as you enter the room (Syllabus British Lit SP22 McC.pdf, Syllabus quiz SP22.docx; Letter to Students SP22.doc)
- Watch introduction video (Welcome to British Lit.mp4).
- Complete Student Info Sheets (Student Information Form.docx) while your teacher collects and checks transcripts.
- Get a textbook (location provided on the board) as you turn in the completed info form (Student Information Form.docx) to the basket by the door.
- Complete the syllabus quiz as the teacher checks transcripts (Syllabus quiz SP22.docx).
- Look at the Guidelines presentation (Guidelines for the Classroom.pptx).
- Sign up for Remind, NoRedInk, and Turnitin (codes are in the CTLS Announcements for this class).
- Your teacher will tell you how to submit handwritten documents in Turnitin (and how to subvert the 20-word minimum requirement).
U0L1A1 Welcome Letter: Write a letter response to the teacher’s letter (Letter to Students SP22.doc) and submit it to
U0L1A2 Syllabus Review and Receipt: Students AND parents fill out online info forms (MUST have student form AND at least one parent form filled out):
Student Form
Parent Form