Unless stated otherwise, all assignments are due by 11:59 PM on the date they are assigned.
All handouts, presentations, videos, and other class materials are available on the Google drive for this class, organized in folders according to unit and subject.
GUM Resources:
Complete GUM Review.pdf and SAT_Grammar_Review.pdf.
Reminders and Due Dates:
Wednesday, Jan. 19: Vocab Journal #1 Due
Wednesday, Jan. 19: U6L5A1 NoRedInk Sentences and Fragments Unit Diagnostic due (Practice due Jan. 26).
Thursday, Jan. 20: We will be using the SpringBoard text.
Friday, Jan. 21: Comma Quiz
Tuesday, Jan. 25: Beowulf Summative Assessment
Tuesday, Jan. 25: Vocab Journal #2 Due
Monday, Jan. 17
Tuesday, Jan. 18
Standards: RL1, RL2, RL3, RL4, RL7, RL9, W8, L2, L3, L4, L6
- Check grades frequently
- Submit collaboration contracts
- Vocab due tomorrow.
U6L3A3 Comma Rules #4-6 (NG) Copy comma rules 4-6 from Comma Rules SP21.pptx into your notes in the GUM section of your notebook.
Complete Exercises 1 and 2 on 131 Comma Added Elements 12GE2705.pdf and 132 Comma Added Elements 12GE2706.pdf.
U1L3A1 Beowulf Details Chart (RF) Continue reading Beowulf, recording details in your details chart through “The Coming of Beowulf.”
Wednesday, Jan. 19, 2022
Standards: RL1, RL2, RL3, RL4, RL7, RL9, W8, L2, L4, L6
U6V1 Hand in Vocab Journal 1.
U6L3A4 Commas with Essential & Non-Essential Complete the SECOND page (numbered page 115) of Commas Essential and Nonessential wkst 4.pdf.
Finish reading “The Coming of Beowulf” and hand in U1L3A1 Beowulf Details Chart
U1L3A2 Unferth’s Challenge
Read “Unferth’s Challenge” and analyze the text according to the directions on the text. Make sure to identify the letter sound that is used to create alliteration and the TYPE of imagery that is used.
Thursday, Jan. 20, 2022
Standards: RL1, RL2, RL3, RL4, RL7, RL9, W8, L2, L4, L6
U6L3A5 Commas with Essential & Non-Essential Complete the FIRST page of
Commas Essential and Nonessential wkst 4.pdf (numbered page 114).
1. Discuss how writers choose the subjects they write about.
2. Discuss why people like/dislike certain movies, books, etc. What makes the difference?
3. Define the word perception.
4. Read aloud They All Saw a Cat.
5. Discussion: On what does perception rely? Where does a person’s perception come from?
6. Find multiple images in the pictures in Optical Illusions.pptx.
7. Look at Differing Perspectives Pictures.pptx through red and blue glasses.
8. Read “About the Unit” p. 4 and “Literary Criticism” p. 6 of your Springboard text. (U1L1.pptx).
9. Discussion: What accounts for Beowulf’s and Unferth’s different perceptions of the race with Brecca in Unferth’s challenge?
U1L4A1: Reader-Response Criticism
Our analysis of literature this semester will focus on perception. Our experiences have given each one of us a unique perspective. We have formed interests and dislikes, sometimes strong ones, based on our experiences.
1. Read the information about Reader-Response Criticism. You can find this information on page 19 of your textbook (U1 Reader-Response Criticism P19.pdf).
2. In a paragraph, identify some subjects that you have strong opinions about based on your experiences. The opinions you hold on these subjects are likely to affect your Reader’s Response to texts that deal with those subjects.
U1L4A2 It’s a Matter of Perspective
1. Review the different types of Literary Criticism. You can find this information on pages 7 and 8 of your textbook (Literary Theory PP7-8.pdf).
2. In a paragraph, tell which literary criticism, based on the descriptions in the document, you are likely to find the most challenging. Why do you think you will find that particular perspective challenging?
Friday, Jan. 21, 2022
Standards: RL1, RL2, RL3, RL4, RL7, RL9, W8, L2, L4, L6
U6L3A6 Comma Quiz
These will be graded in class. If you would like to try again, study, then come sometime within the next week to take a different version of the same quiz to replace the grade.
Read “The Battle with Grendel,” “The Monster’s Lair,” and “The Battle with Grendel’s Mother.”
Discussion: Why does Beowulf travel this far to risk his life? Theme: God protects those who are honorable and fight for good against evil. How does culture play a part in what happens?
U1L3A3 Summative Assessment (WS) Review the unit Summative Assessment and unit expectations (Importance of Perspective Beowulf Grendel SP22.pdf). The summative will be due Monday, Jan. 25.
Review the Collaboration Contract. This online contract MUST be completed by ALL group members, from THEIR OWN Office 365 login before students will be allowed to begin working together. We will begin working on this assignment in class on Jan. 21.
Review MLA formatting rules (Essay Guide, ver. 13, pp. 11-14). Remember: You have access to an MLA template.
Complete page 1 of the summative assessment document and then being working on the narrative.
You should probably spend some time this weekend working on this since it will be due Tuesday night by midnight.
All handouts, presentations, videos, and other class materials are available on the Google drive for this class, organized in folders according to unit and subject.
GUM Resources:
Complete GUM Review.pdf and SAT_Grammar_Review.pdf.
Reminders and Due Dates:
Wednesday, Jan. 19: Vocab Journal #1 Due
Wednesday, Jan. 19: U6L5A1 NoRedInk Sentences and Fragments Unit Diagnostic due (Practice due Jan. 26).
Thursday, Jan. 20: We will be using the SpringBoard text.
Friday, Jan. 21: Comma Quiz
Tuesday, Jan. 25: Beowulf Summative Assessment
Tuesday, Jan. 25: Vocab Journal #2 Due
Monday, Jan. 17
Tuesday, Jan. 18
Standards: RL1, RL2, RL3, RL4, RL7, RL9, W8, L2, L3, L4, L6
- Check grades frequently
- Submit collaboration contracts
- Vocab due tomorrow.
U6L3A3 Comma Rules #4-6 (NG) Copy comma rules 4-6 from Comma Rules SP21.pptx into your notes in the GUM section of your notebook.
Complete Exercises 1 and 2 on 131 Comma Added Elements 12GE2705.pdf and 132 Comma Added Elements 12GE2706.pdf.
U1L3A1 Beowulf Details Chart (RF) Continue reading Beowulf, recording details in your details chart through “The Coming of Beowulf.”
Wednesday, Jan. 19, 2022
Standards: RL1, RL2, RL3, RL4, RL7, RL9, W8, L2, L4, L6
U6V1 Hand in Vocab Journal 1.
U6L3A4 Commas with Essential & Non-Essential Complete the SECOND page (numbered page 115) of Commas Essential and Nonessential wkst 4.pdf.
Finish reading “The Coming of Beowulf” and hand in U1L3A1 Beowulf Details Chart
U1L3A2 Unferth’s Challenge
Read “Unferth’s Challenge” and analyze the text according to the directions on the text. Make sure to identify the letter sound that is used to create alliteration and the TYPE of imagery that is used.
Thursday, Jan. 20, 2022
Standards: RL1, RL2, RL3, RL4, RL7, RL9, W8, L2, L4, L6
U6L3A5 Commas with Essential & Non-Essential Complete the FIRST page of
Commas Essential and Nonessential wkst 4.pdf (numbered page 114).
1. Discuss how writers choose the subjects they write about.
2. Discuss why people like/dislike certain movies, books, etc. What makes the difference?
3. Define the word perception.
4. Read aloud They All Saw a Cat.
5. Discussion: On what does perception rely? Where does a person’s perception come from?
6. Find multiple images in the pictures in Optical Illusions.pptx.
7. Look at Differing Perspectives Pictures.pptx through red and blue glasses.
8. Read “About the Unit” p. 4 and “Literary Criticism” p. 6 of your Springboard text. (U1L1.pptx).
9. Discussion: What accounts for Beowulf’s and Unferth’s different perceptions of the race with Brecca in Unferth’s challenge?
U1L4A1: Reader-Response Criticism
Our analysis of literature this semester will focus on perception. Our experiences have given each one of us a unique perspective. We have formed interests and dislikes, sometimes strong ones, based on our experiences.
1. Read the information about Reader-Response Criticism. You can find this information on page 19 of your textbook (U1 Reader-Response Criticism P19.pdf).
2. In a paragraph, identify some subjects that you have strong opinions about based on your experiences. The opinions you hold on these subjects are likely to affect your Reader’s Response to texts that deal with those subjects.
U1L4A2 It’s a Matter of Perspective
1. Review the different types of Literary Criticism. You can find this information on pages 7 and 8 of your textbook (Literary Theory PP7-8.pdf).
2. In a paragraph, tell which literary criticism, based on the descriptions in the document, you are likely to find the most challenging. Why do you think you will find that particular perspective challenging?
Friday, Jan. 21, 2022
Standards: RL1, RL2, RL3, RL4, RL7, RL9, W8, L2, L4, L6
U6L3A6 Comma Quiz
These will be graded in class. If you would like to try again, study, then come sometime within the next week to take a different version of the same quiz to replace the grade.
Read “The Battle with Grendel,” “The Monster’s Lair,” and “The Battle with Grendel’s Mother.”
Discussion: Why does Beowulf travel this far to risk his life? Theme: God protects those who are honorable and fight for good against evil. How does culture play a part in what happens?
U1L3A3 Summative Assessment (WS) Review the unit Summative Assessment and unit expectations (Importance of Perspective Beowulf Grendel SP22.pdf). The summative will be due Monday, Jan. 25.
Review the Collaboration Contract. This online contract MUST be completed by ALL group members, from THEIR OWN Office 365 login before students will be allowed to begin working together. We will begin working on this assignment in class on Jan. 21.
Review MLA formatting rules (Essay Guide, ver. 13, pp. 11-14). Remember: You have access to an MLA template.
Complete page 1 of the summative assessment document and then being working on the narrative.
You should probably spend some time this weekend working on this since it will be due Tuesday night by midnight.