Standards: RL9, SL1, SL3, W4, L1, L2, L3
Email the teacher when you hand in late work! (Otherwise, she will NEVER know you handed it in!!)
Check your email and gradebook regularly!
If the assignment you submit to Turnitin contains fewer than 20 words, you MUST add a random sentence (or two) at the bottom of the assignment or Turnitin will not take it!
Log OUT and back IN to Turnitin to verify that it took your assignment upload!
U0L2A3: Documenting a Source (NG)
1. In Resources, or on the class web site/Google drive, locate the Essay Guide (titled Your Essay Guide Ver. 13.pdf).
2. Use the Table of Contents in the Essay Guide to find the section titled “MLA Format: Step-by-Step Bibliographic Citations.” The page numbers in the Table of Contents of the PDF are hyperlinks that will take you directly to the appropriate section if you click on them.
3. In the first unit, we will be reading Beowulf. We have a text in class. The cover and some pages of this text are available in the Google drive in the 1 Anglo-Saxons folder (Cover and TOC to xxxiii.pdf and Beowulf Text.pdf), but at home, you may want to use an online version (please be aware that the online version has different line numbers than the textbook version). Click this link to open the online text:
4. Use the step-by-step directions in the Essay Guide and create a bibliographic citation for the Beowulf text we will be using (book or online version). Submit this citation in Turnitin by 11:59 PM.
U6L1A1: Diagnostic Assessment (NW)
You started the diagnostic assessments in NoRedInk yesterday. Take this opportunity to finish these assessments. They are ALL due by 11:59 Sunday.
Email the teacher when you hand in late work! (Otherwise, she will NEVER know you handed it in!!)
Check your email and gradebook regularly!
If the assignment you submit to Turnitin contains fewer than 20 words, you MUST add a random sentence (or two) at the bottom of the assignment or Turnitin will not take it!
Log OUT and back IN to Turnitin to verify that it took your assignment upload!
U0L2A3: Documenting a Source (NG)
1. In Resources, or on the class web site/Google drive, locate the Essay Guide (titled Your Essay Guide Ver. 13.pdf).
2. Use the Table of Contents in the Essay Guide to find the section titled “MLA Format: Step-by-Step Bibliographic Citations.” The page numbers in the Table of Contents of the PDF are hyperlinks that will take you directly to the appropriate section if you click on them.
3. In the first unit, we will be reading Beowulf. We have a text in class. The cover and some pages of this text are available in the Google drive in the 1 Anglo-Saxons folder (Cover and TOC to xxxiii.pdf and Beowulf Text.pdf), but at home, you may want to use an online version (please be aware that the online version has different line numbers than the textbook version). Click this link to open the online text:
4. Use the step-by-step directions in the Essay Guide and create a bibliographic citation for the Beowulf text we will be using (book or online version). Submit this citation in Turnitin by 11:59 PM.
U6L1A1: Diagnostic Assessment (NW)
You started the diagnostic assessments in NoRedInk yesterday. Take this opportunity to finish these assessments. They are ALL due by 11:59 Sunday.