Unless stated otherwise, all assignments are due by 11:59 PM on the date they are assigned.
All handouts, presentations, videos, and other class materials are available on the Google drive for this class, organized in folders according to unit and subject.
The Essay Guide
Research Paper Assignment Page (requirements are detailed in the RUBRIC)
Research Paper Timeline and Requirements Document
Research paper rubric SP22.docx
Research Paper Collaboration Contract
Reminders and Due Dates:
-Wednesday, Apr. 13: Sentence Outline Due
-Saturday, April 23: Research Paper Due (all other dates in Research Paper Timeline and Requirements Document)
-Monday, April 25: Begin Brave New World
-Tuesday, April 26: Vocab Journal #8 Due
Monday, April 11, 2022
Standards: RI1, RI4, RI6, W1, W4, W5, W6, W7, W8, W9, L4, L5, L6
Go over Rubric Analysis answers.
Read about Step 4: Revise the Thesis (Essay Guide, p. 45-46) and revise your thesis if you need to.
U4L3A4 Background: Write ONE paragraph that provides background on your topic and justifies why it is an appropriate topic to write about. Do NOT use first person. Do NOT talk about your paper. Talk ONLY about the subject you are writing about.
Provide enough information that someone reading your paragraph would understand why your topic is important.
Read about Step 5: Write the Introduction (Essay Guide, pp. 47, 49-52).
Revise and finalize your background paragraph, typing it into your paper as the introduction, in front of your claim statement (your claim should be the LAST sentence of your introduction).
IXL Activity
Before coming to class tomorrow, complete the following activity in IXL, earning a SmartScore of at least 85:
-Trace an argument: set 1
Extra credit will be awarded for students earning a SmartScore of 95 or higher.
Tuesday, April 12, 2022
Standards: RI1, RI4, RI6, W1, W4, W5, W6, W7, W8, W9, L4, L5, L6
Read about Step 6: Outline and Organize, (Essay Guide, pp. 53-54, 61-65).
Discuss how to build an argument with relevant details. Watch Monty Python’s Dead Parrot argument and Argument Clinic and discuss building an argument (and what NOT to do).
Read about how to form a sentence outline from the list of keywords (Sentence Outline.pptx). Go over counterclaims and warrant.
U4L3A5 Sentence Outline
Hand in your research paper file in progress that includes your introduction with thesis (underlined), your topic sentences, and your working bibliography to Turnitin by midnight on April 12 (Sample paper: Sentence Outline Sample Paper.docx).
IXL Activity
Before coming to class tomorrow, complete the following activity in IXL, earning a SmartScore of at least 85:
-Choose the analysis that logically connects the evidence to the claim
Extra credit will be awarded for students earning a SmartScore of 95 or higher.
Wednesday, April 13, 2022
Standards: RI1, RI4, RI6, W1, W4, W5, W6, W7, W8, W9, L4, L5, L6
Read about Step 7: Type a Rough Draft of the Body (Essay Guide, pp. 66-74).
Open your research paper file and type your paper without looking at your notes, adding the rough paragraphs for the topic sentences that were already there (your sentence outline). You may use any facts or information you remember as you type, but you may not look anything up. Don’t worry about citing your sources at this point – we will do that in the NEXT step!
IXL Activity
Before coming to class tomorrow, complete the following activity in IXL, earning a SmartScore of at least 85:
-Transition logically between claims, evidence, analysis, and counterclaims
Extra credit will be awarded for students earning a SmartScore of 95 or higher.
Thursday, April 14, 2022
Standards: RI1, RI4, RI6, W1, W4, W5, W6, W7, W8, W9, L4, L5, L6
Read about Step 8: Add Citations for Paraphrases (Essay Guide, pp. 74-81). Add the citations for the paraphrases you naturally included in the rough draft you typed yesterday (See All About Paraphrases.pptx for examples).
Read about Step 9: Add Quoted Material (and Citations). View Adding Quotes and Citations.pptx for examples of what you should do.
Review the following sections in the Essay Guide:
Quotations Overview, p. 82-83
Modifying Quotations, pp. 84-87
Punctuating Quotations & Citations, pp. 88-89
Citation Formats, pp. 90-94
Example Essay, pp. 95-98
Add your carefully selected quoted material (and the accompanying citations) to your research paper.
IXL Activity
Before coming to class tomorrow, complete the following activity in IXL, earning a SmartScore of at least 85:
-Identify plagiarism
Extra credit will be awarded for students earning a SmartScore of 95 or higher.
Friday, April 15, 2022
Standards: RI1, RI4, RI6, W1, W4, W5, W6, W7, W8, W9, L4, L5, L6
Read about Step 10: Blend Quoted Material.
Review lead-ins and commentary (Essay Guide, pp. 99-110, 145), comparing the model essay in the previous step, pp. 95-98 to the model essay in this step 107-110 (Blending Quotations Examples.pptx).
Add lead-ins and commentary to the quotations that you have inserted into your paper.
IXL Activity
Before coming to class tomorrow, complete the following activity in IXL, earning a SmartScore of at least 85:
-Use appeals to ethos, pathos, and logos in persuasive writing
Extra credit will be awarded for students earning a SmartScore of 95 or higher.
All handouts, presentations, videos, and other class materials are available on the Google drive for this class, organized in folders according to unit and subject.
The Essay Guide
Research Paper Assignment Page (requirements are detailed in the RUBRIC)
Research Paper Timeline and Requirements Document
Research paper rubric SP22.docx
Research Paper Collaboration Contract
Reminders and Due Dates:
-Wednesday, Apr. 13: Sentence Outline Due
-Saturday, April 23: Research Paper Due (all other dates in Research Paper Timeline and Requirements Document)
-Monday, April 25: Begin Brave New World
-Tuesday, April 26: Vocab Journal #8 Due
Monday, April 11, 2022
Standards: RI1, RI4, RI6, W1, W4, W5, W6, W7, W8, W9, L4, L5, L6
Go over Rubric Analysis answers.
Read about Step 4: Revise the Thesis (Essay Guide, p. 45-46) and revise your thesis if you need to.
U4L3A4 Background: Write ONE paragraph that provides background on your topic and justifies why it is an appropriate topic to write about. Do NOT use first person. Do NOT talk about your paper. Talk ONLY about the subject you are writing about.
Provide enough information that someone reading your paragraph would understand why your topic is important.
Read about Step 5: Write the Introduction (Essay Guide, pp. 47, 49-52).
Revise and finalize your background paragraph, typing it into your paper as the introduction, in front of your claim statement (your claim should be the LAST sentence of your introduction).
IXL Activity
Before coming to class tomorrow, complete the following activity in IXL, earning a SmartScore of at least 85:
-Trace an argument: set 1
Extra credit will be awarded for students earning a SmartScore of 95 or higher.
Tuesday, April 12, 2022
Standards: RI1, RI4, RI6, W1, W4, W5, W6, W7, W8, W9, L4, L5, L6
Read about Step 6: Outline and Organize, (Essay Guide, pp. 53-54, 61-65).
Discuss how to build an argument with relevant details. Watch Monty Python’s Dead Parrot argument and Argument Clinic and discuss building an argument (and what NOT to do).
Read about how to form a sentence outline from the list of keywords (Sentence Outline.pptx). Go over counterclaims and warrant.
U4L3A5 Sentence Outline
Hand in your research paper file in progress that includes your introduction with thesis (underlined), your topic sentences, and your working bibliography to Turnitin by midnight on April 12 (Sample paper: Sentence Outline Sample Paper.docx).
IXL Activity
Before coming to class tomorrow, complete the following activity in IXL, earning a SmartScore of at least 85:
-Choose the analysis that logically connects the evidence to the claim
Extra credit will be awarded for students earning a SmartScore of 95 or higher.
Wednesday, April 13, 2022
Standards: RI1, RI4, RI6, W1, W4, W5, W6, W7, W8, W9, L4, L5, L6
Read about Step 7: Type a Rough Draft of the Body (Essay Guide, pp. 66-74).
Open your research paper file and type your paper without looking at your notes, adding the rough paragraphs for the topic sentences that were already there (your sentence outline). You may use any facts or information you remember as you type, but you may not look anything up. Don’t worry about citing your sources at this point – we will do that in the NEXT step!
IXL Activity
Before coming to class tomorrow, complete the following activity in IXL, earning a SmartScore of at least 85:
-Transition logically between claims, evidence, analysis, and counterclaims
Extra credit will be awarded for students earning a SmartScore of 95 or higher.
Thursday, April 14, 2022
Standards: RI1, RI4, RI6, W1, W4, W5, W6, W7, W8, W9, L4, L5, L6
Read about Step 8: Add Citations for Paraphrases (Essay Guide, pp. 74-81). Add the citations for the paraphrases you naturally included in the rough draft you typed yesterday (See All About Paraphrases.pptx for examples).
Read about Step 9: Add Quoted Material (and Citations). View Adding Quotes and Citations.pptx for examples of what you should do.
Review the following sections in the Essay Guide:
Quotations Overview, p. 82-83
Modifying Quotations, pp. 84-87
Punctuating Quotations & Citations, pp. 88-89
Citation Formats, pp. 90-94
Example Essay, pp. 95-98
Add your carefully selected quoted material (and the accompanying citations) to your research paper.
IXL Activity
Before coming to class tomorrow, complete the following activity in IXL, earning a SmartScore of at least 85:
-Identify plagiarism
Extra credit will be awarded for students earning a SmartScore of 95 or higher.
Friday, April 15, 2022
Standards: RI1, RI4, RI6, W1, W4, W5, W6, W7, W8, W9, L4, L5, L6
Read about Step 10: Blend Quoted Material.
Review lead-ins and commentary (Essay Guide, pp. 99-110, 145), comparing the model essay in the previous step, pp. 95-98 to the model essay in this step 107-110 (Blending Quotations Examples.pptx).
Add lead-ins and commentary to the quotations that you have inserted into your paper.
IXL Activity
Before coming to class tomorrow, complete the following activity in IXL, earning a SmartScore of at least 85:
-Use appeals to ethos, pathos, and logos in persuasive writing
Extra credit will be awarded for students earning a SmartScore of 95 or higher.